Our Mission

Our Mission

In a world progressing in many ways, everteen’s Period Care Adoption Program (PCAP) addresses the often-overlooked issue of menstrual hygiene in underserved communities. PCAP aims to ensure sanitary pad availability for every woman, emphasizing awareness and education. The heart of the program lies in adopting 100 villages, providing essential care products, and fostering sustainable change through local volunteers and NGOs.

The program transcends geographical boundaries, breaking menstrual taboos, and empowering women. We aspire to create a positive change, ensuring that no woman suffers in silence. PCAP is a transformative movement, inviting everyone to redefine menstrual hygiene narratives and create a more inclusive society. Together, let’s empower women, celebrate periods, and make menstrual hygiene a universal right. Join us and be a protagonist in this noble cause, contributing in your unique way to foster positive change.

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